Published on March 5, 2009 By scottaco In WindowBlinds

Is there any way in SkinStudio to move the titlebar minimize/close buttons from the left to right side in a pre-existing skin? As you may be able to tell by my question, I am not well versed in SkinStudio, but I'd love to try to use for once.

on Mar 05, 2009

Open  skin SKS6 then goto...Edit Titlebars and WindowFrames.....then Edit PerPixel Buttons.....then select a button ...then press position tab...then unedr the area that say  "Button should be positioned relative to the" left side Below are 4 boxes each represent the # of pixels from the edge of the window frame you will have to adjust them after swapping sides!

Hope it helps AV

on Mar 05, 2009

...or in 5 u can just drag them where you want them inside the preview window.

on Mar 05, 2009

Thank you very much for the quick replies. Time to get on it and give it a go.